Wednesday, April 3, 2013

his word is bond - a verse written from the TSI Bible, Andrew Ahl proverbs 4:26

My friend Andrew IS. A. F'N. GENIUS. I love reading his emails because they always crack me up. The way he delivers his thoughts is pure gold. So much so, I absolutely had to share this with you all!

What it is!

My good good friend Michelle [aka Filipino Michelle because I know a few folks named Michelle] has organized a rad conceptual party crawl slash fundraiser.

Every year since I've known her she's held a TrackSuit Invitatioanl pub crawl in April to celebrate her birthday - then it became its own entity.

The concept is easy - wear a tracksuit, group up, go from pub to pub, then attend a dance party / fundraiser at the Sunset.

Michelle butters her bread on the hip-hop side so polish those up-rocks and body pops. Church!

There are three rules - one addresses attire:

THIS year it's bigger and badder than ever AND it's a fundraiser - a legitimate fundraiser - and it will 'be' in Ballard. For serious. She's got sponsors.

WHEN: 7PM, Friday April 26
WHERE: Ballard [exact starting bar TBD, there will be a total of 3 bars in the mixxx]
ATM: the crawl is freezies, the benefit party donation is 10 duckets at the door

The official poster is attached for distribution as you see fit. 

I will be in attendance - extra emphasis on the word 'dance'. And lately I never go out so there's that.

My tracksuit has a name [Cocoa Taupe or C.T. if you're nasty] and it's been custom tailored to Fit. All. My. Jelly. Ew. Yes.

Act like you know. You know you're going to be in some drank that night anyway. Why not strap it on and make it count? Just sayin'....

Velour is a verb,


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